A Chemical Peels is a procedure where a chemical solution is applied to the skin to exfoliate and remove its outermost layers. This process encourages the shedding of dead skin cells and promotes the growth of new healthier skin. The skin appears brighter, smoother, and the pigmentary irregularities are reduced after a few days of healing.
At MedWell, we offer a variety of chemical peels formulated to produce various degrees of exfoliation, based on each patient’s individual needs. From gentle to the strongest, all of our peels have multiple ingredients and peeling agents that work together to achieve the desired effect.
At MedWell, we offer chemical peels that have little to no down time and other peels that recovery can take from 7-14 days. The recovery time is based on how deep or aggressive the peel is. We will discuss your skin and recovery goals prior to the peel to determine what is best for you!
You will be given aftercare instructions that include what products to use and not use on your skin, when you can wear make up and if a follow up visit is needed. You will always be asked to be diligent with wearing your sunscreen and staying out of direct sunlight for 2 weeks.
Medical grade skin care products are formulated with higher concentrations of active ingredients, which can lead to more effective results. The product lines carried at MedWell undergo rigorous testing and have been clinically proven to be effective. By using quality products, you can help improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.